Friday 23 January 2015

Kiss InstaWave Automatic Curler (Review)

Hello lovelies! Today I'm sharing with you a new type of hair curler, and I have to say that I'm feeling pretty excited about this! I want to say right from the top, that I was sent this item for free to try from That being said, this post is not being paid for in any way and all opinions are my own. I was sent the KISS InstaWave Automatic Curler, and I have to admit that I was quite skeptical of this at first; mostly because my hair can't seem to hold a curl to save its life.. Also just because I'm wary of the whole As Seen On TV kind of items... I saw this curler at Walmart for $70 CAD...

  • Here's a few tid-bits about this curler:
KISS InstaWave is a fully automatic tangle-free curler that instantly creates beautiful curls

Easy for anyone to use, from any angle, with any hand

Features a Curl Dial with left/right curl directions

Automatically shuts off after 90 minutes

2 heat settings with a low/high switch with maximum temperature of 420

  • How to use the curler:
Hold InstaWave vertically

Simply place section of hair on the InstaWave curling rod

Touch the Curl Dial either left or right, and the InstaWave instantly and automatically catches and curls the hair

Hold for 5-10 seconds, hold longer for tighter curls and less for beachy waves

Pull the InstaWave down vertically, letting hair out

**Tip: Switch between curling right and curling left to create the most natural looking curls
 For me personally, this curler didn't give me AMAZING, super gorgeous, breath taking goddess type curls, but my hair doesn't hold a curl well to begin with. (Yes, my hair fails at life ha ha ha) I kept the curls in for about 15 seconds (on the high setting) before releasing them from the wand, and even then they were more wavy rather than tight curls. This wand is actually tangle free, (just like it claims on the box) even with my hair, which was a pleasant surprise! I found that after using it a couple more times I got better results, but I still had to hold my hair for about 15-20 seconds. I feel like this would be amazing for someone who can actually curl their hair (like my sister... Yes I am completely jealous that she can have super bouncy lush curls that hold all day WITHOUT a whole can of hair spray.. *evil eyes* It's ok, I still love her haha) for me however, this is still the best product I've used so far that makes decent curls in my hair that actually last a couple of hours.

After breaking the curls up, I just combed through my hair with my fingers to make them look a little more natural

Everything you want to know about this product can be found here:
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That's all for now!

Tuesday 20 January 2015

My January Ipsy Glam Bag!

I missed out on posting December's bag; but I want to start up my Glam Bag Favourites again, so keep an eye out for that in the near future! I didn't much care for the bag itself this month, it was very plain to me, but I was pretty excited for the items I received! I can't wait to try them all out!

The theme for January is Fresh Start, quite fitting for the New Year.

If you're interested in Ipsy you can check them out HERE

My goodies for this month were:
  • All Over Shadow Brush by Elizabeth Mott
  • Mechanical Eye Liner from Hikari Cosmetics in the color Slate
  • Malin & Gotez Mojito Lip Balm
  • Pacifica Natural Mineral Coconut Eye Shadow in the shade Ethereal 
  • Probelle Nail Polish in the color Into The Blue

That's it for my January bag!
What did you get this month??


Tuesday 13 January 2015

Happy New Year!

Long time no post! I apologize for being MIA so to speak.. I have been absolutely swamped with school, then I went back home for Christmas and I wanted to spend all my time with my family... I was having some anxiety about keeping up with my blog and it was getting to the point where it wasn't fun for me any more and I didn't want to post things for the sake of posting.. It's not how I do things, I don't want to half ass things and I don't want to put anything out there just to say I did.. I want everyone to love what I write as much as I love writing it. If I don't love what I'm doing, I really can't justify myself in doing it, so I had to take a break and step back for a while. It's always been in the back of my mind to get back at posting, because I really do enjoy my blog and I really did miss it. I couldn't just let it go or delete it, SO I decided its time to dust off the horse and get back on it! (is that even a thing? ha ha well I'm making it one!) I'm not entirely sure how often I'll be posting, but I want to aim for AT LEAST once a week! I would love to get back into my hobbies again, since they've been pushed to the wayside since about the time I started school... All work and no play is good for no one... Anyway! If you've missed reading here, I'm back! If you're new, welcome!  Let's make 2015 an incredible year! It has some pretty big shoes to fill from 2014, but I'm excited and can't wait to see where this year will take me!
Currently it's quite cold here in Toronto haha!

That's it for now!!
I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday and a very happy new year!
