Thursday 21 January 2016

Happy New Year!

Hello there!
It's been a while since my last post, mostly because I wanted to enjoy my time with my friends and family while I was back home. I enjoyed Blogmas, and I hope you did as well! It was at times stressful trying to think of something new and interesting to talk about everyday, and if I decide to do it again next year, I'm definitely making a list of sorts with topics to talk about instead of flying by the seat of my pants haha! I hope you all have had a wonderful new year, I know I did! My sister and I took a road trip down south to visit Disneyland for a couple days, and it was so much fun! It was massively crowded on New Year's Eve, but I don't regret swimming through a sea of people to celebrate New Years with my sister at the happiest place on earth! We had so much fun and made so many memories!
I thought I would share a few goals I want for this new year: (in no particular order)

  • I want to travel more, to experience new things, and to see new places
  • I want to live healthier by eating better and sticking to a gym schedule (which is something I started around the end of 2015, but I want to be more serious about it)
  • I want a career that I love, and that I can grow into, not just a job
  • I want to read more
  • I want to spend more time with people that matter most to me
  • I want to blog more and be more consistent 
  • I want to get back into hobbies I used to enjoy
  • I want to be the best version of me

These aren't just for the new year, they're lifestyle changes I hope to achieve and carry on. 
What are some things you want to do or change for the new year or just in general??

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