Thursday 7 November 2013

A Few Of My Favourite Things.. (Favourites Of Fall Series Part 4)

I thought I would share some of the things that make Fall and Winter my most favourite time of the entire year! This is just a list of things that I love when the weather starts to get colder and the seasons start to change.. (Since these are some of my favourite things, I've decided to make it part of my Favourites Series)

(These are in no particular order...)

  • Rain (it makes for perfect cuddling and reading weather, also the sound of pouring rain is so soothing and I love it!)
  • Leaves
  • Vibrant colours
  • Sweaters
  • Pumpkin EVERYTHING
  • Halloween
  • Candles
  • Boots
  • Scarves
  • Bolder make up and darker nail polish
  • Crisp mornings
  • The fact that winter is just around the corner
  • Cuddling up with a fuzzy blanket, a hot cup of coffee and a good book
  • The smell of freshly brewed coffee on a cold morning


  • Christmas displays in stores and malls
  • That cheerful feeling only the Christmas season can bring
  • Naked trees
  • Snow
  • Fuzzy gloves
  • Christmas music
  • Peppermint Mocha
  • Christmas trees (putting ours up and admiring others)
  • Ornaments and other festive decorations
  • Wrapping presents
  • Lights
  • December is my birthday month
  • Sharing my birthday with my dad
  • Going back home
  • Spending time with my family and friends
  • Advent/Christmas Devotionals
  • Christmas movies
  • Baking goodies
  • Christmas crafts
  • Amazing food!

Annnnnnd my most favourite thing about this time of year?

That's all for now lovelies!
What is your favourite time of the year?


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